Think that your marriage can survive a prolonged or significant illness? A new study suggests that, for women aged 51 and over, a serious health complication can increase the chances that their marriage will end in divorce. The study found that there was no significant increase in the risk of divorce if the husband became ill. The study examined over 2,700 marriages involving individuals aged 51 and older and found that there was a six percent increase in the chances of divorce when the wife comes down with a serious illness. The study did not examine which partner initiated the divorce under these circumstances, nor did it ask the specific reason why the couples divorced.
A Serious Illness Followed by a Divorce Creates a Perilous Situation
It is no secret that a divorce can ruin a person’s personal finances. This becomes even more likely when a divorce is preceded by a long or significant illness. It is during these times that retaining the help of an experienced Florida divorce attorney can make all the difference. While it may seem like an expense you cannot afford during this time, it should be remembered that one party can ask the court to order the other party to award him or her attorney’s fees at the conclusion of the divorce. In some cases, a court can even order one party to pay the other’s attorney’s fees on a temporary basis while the divorce is pending.
What Can a Florida Divorce Attorney Do for Me in This Situation?
Some may wonder what good an attorney can do for them when the filing of a divorce is preceded by their own illness. After all, an attorney cannot prevent one spouse from filing a divorce petition against the other spouse any more than an attorney can prevent an illness. But an experienced Tampa, Florida divorce attorney can help you obtain alimony, or spousal support. In certain cases, one party can be ordered to pay some or all of the living expenses of the other spouse. An alimony award is typically entered as part of the court’s final divorce decree, but an attorney may be able to help you obtain spousal support while the divorce is pending.
While permanent alimony – that is, alimony that continues until the recipient either remarries or dies – may soon be a thing of the past in Florida, a spousal support award can help the spouse who was ill make ends meet and get back on his or her feet.
Contact the Tampa Divorce Lawyers at All Family Law Group, P.A. for Assistance
The laws governing alimony are complicated. Beyond needing to show that you have a need for the alimony, you must also show that the other party has an ability to pay alimony (amongst other things). When a serious illness has led to an unexpected divorce, do not leave your financial future to chance. A Tampa divorce attorney can help ensure you receive the alimony you need to get your life back in order. Contact our offices in Tampa Bay at 813-321-3421 for a consultation at no charge or email us.
By Lynette Silon-Laguna Google+